Golden Chase

24/07/2014 06:14

There are two variants how to buy your dwarf: 
1) either insvest from your own money (faster version) 
2) or you buy them from daytime saved up bonuses



Dwarfs digging different crystals, which you can later sell / change in the " shop " for real money. 
Of course, than when is your hired dwarf more expensive, so the more valuable crystals will benefit.
Dwarves can rent any number and then you have a "permanent" and crystals mined 24 hours a day

Who does not want to game invest their money, no problem. You can try option # 2 (mentioned above) 

and that every day, simply click on the ◄ Daily Bonus ► , 

where  every day can win a random number of Gold  and buy dwarves for that Goldies...



So to start earning? 
REGISTER free of charge, by clicking on the banner below



on GOLDENCHASE page just click on SIGN UP and perform your registration.
